15 years ago
AARRGGHH .... 161 attempts - best I can do is 4 off lol .... EDIT: AAAARRRRGGGHHH 342 attempts - still 4 short - this level is doing my freakin' head in .... EDIT2: This is now no longer funny .... EDIT3: 431 attempts and rising lol >.<
I HATE these kinda levels - so many holes to fill - so many options .... best I can do is 12 off lol :( .... oh well .... To godfather - it's now no longer 2 stars .... I'll rate levels how I feel - it's all a matter of opinion
Very nice. I'd actually tried the correct path earlier, but dismissed it, as I hadn't got the next part correct ....
Only took 6 attempts - but it needed some careful planning. Nice lil' level ....
Nice tricky level for such a small number of moves ....
Nice level for such a small number of steps - only downside is that certain parts of the grid can be ruled out, as there is only one way through certain parts ....
16 years ago
95 attempts - can't get less than 4 off .... EDIT: got it after 102 attempts - awesome level for such a small number of steps.
16 years ago
Level F
Hmm - it's possible to be 2 off by either filling the holes in along the top, or by filling the holes in from underneath - now to try and find out which way is correct ...
16 years ago
Hmm - found 2 ways of being 2 off lol - I can fill the last 2 holes with either of the last 2 blocks first - both end up 2 short. Now I've just gotta figure out which one is correct and try and optimise it .... EDIT: Done ....
16 years ago
Nice. I found a couple of 2-off routes, one of them on my very first attempt. The solution is not as obvious as it first appears ....
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