16 years ago
A bit awkward to set yourself up properly - took 13 attempts =/ .....
16 years ago
Nice tricky level for such a small number of steps ....
16 years ago
I was 2 of for aaages and couldn't understand where I was going wrong .... until I saw the trick. Very sneaky ....
Had me going for 16 tries (* hangs head in shame *). Nice tricky level for a tutorial ....
Hmmm .... why can't I see it lol - best I can get is 4 off .... EDIT: got it in the next few tries - this is not easy - nice tricky level ....
16 years ago
Cool - I like the shortcut. The fact that I was about 10 moves short without the shortcut, kinda gave away the fact that a shortcut was hiding somewhere .... which spoiled it slightly ....
16 years ago
Nice. Had me going for a lil' while ....
Very sneaky indeed!! I was 4 off and found the lil' sneaky move - went to 2 off. Warning - you can be 2 off and on the totally wrong path like I was !!!
Way too easy in my opinion. Took me 3 attempts .... 1st attempt I made a wrong move and had to re-start, 2nd attempt I was quite a way off - had a re-think and spotted what I needed to do and completed it next attempt. I can see why some may struggle on this though.
I could only see 1 route at first - that was 8 short. It took a bit of working out, but when I worked out a new route - I got it the next attempt - nice level ....