16 years ago
56 attempts .... 2 moves short lol .... EDIT: Hmmm quite a few routes that are 2 off .... EDIT2: 113 attempts - so many routes 2 short AAARRGGHH ..... EDIT: and after 237 attempts YIPPEE !!!!! Just played it again to see where I was going wrong - that 2-step saving move sure is sneaky ....
16 years ago
Def not as straight forward as it first looks - 30+ moves off until I chose a completely different path. Got down to 8 off, just kept shaving moves off - down to 4 off then 2 off then YIPPEE !! Nice level ....
16 years ago
Tricky -but pretty easy to work out where you're going and what holes you need to fill .... you just need to optimize your steps ... still a nice lil' level.
16 years ago
54 attempts to beat lol. So annoying for a level with only 36 steps. The solution is pure genius ....
16 years ago
The Tower
No idea what I kept doing wrong lol. I got to within 2 moves off within approx 10 attempts. I was certain I was going the right way until eventually ... done - no idea where I shaved 2 moves off ...
Hmmm ... 4 moves short after 6 tries ..... EDIT: Beaten after 13 attempts - def not that difficult a level - it looks alot harder than what it is ....
16 years ago
Hmmm .... struggling with this one. Over 40 tries - found a way that works .... but I'm 42 moves short LOL !!! EDIT.... aaargghh 2 moves short lol ..... EDIT2: finally after 110 tries - my last route was using the wrong block - it's so easy to be completely wrong on this level.
Couldn't get anywhere near for ages - then Danish Pastry sprung to mind and I immediately got to 4 moves off .... then 2 off .... then done. Very nice level.
Def too easy to be classed as "hard" - should be in medium - beaten after 11 attempts. It does, however, contain a neat trick - apart from that though, it's an easy 5 points .....
16 years ago
Tried this a few times and I have absolutely no idea how to tackle this level. Best so far is approx 10-15 moves short .... ooh my poor head .... EDIT: Arggh .... 2 off lol. EDIT2: Got 2 off in 3 completely different ways - tried another way and now it's done - PHEW ....