16 years ago
Nice subtle trick. I kept making the same mistake (took 25 attempts) - I kept doing something unnecessarily, until it clicked.
Hmmm .... 2 VERY different routes - both 2 short .... GRRRR. EDIT: Post Legend still works. I like it - I'm not exactly sure what I did, to get it to work but there are 2 possible paths that can both end up 2 short.
Hmmm .... I wonder if it's possible to be 2 short and on a completely wrong path ?? *Scratches head* 1st EDIT - and the answer to that is "YES"...... I've got 2 quite different paths - both 2 off ..... 2nd EDIT - SNEAKY - I like it.
215 attempts later. Def the hardest medium level in my opinion. There are several ways to get 2 moves short - this is a toughie and I'm glad to see the back of it.
Nice tricky level.
16 years ago
Great level for such a small area. I was 12 off - then I went to 2 off, so I tried to repeat my last attempt to see where I could shave the 2 moves off and I ended up completing it. I have no idea what I did !!!
16 years ago
Took me 33 attempts to complete. I thought I'd tried one particular route earlier - obviously I hadn't. Very sneaky - I like this level.
16 years ago
I struggled with this level. It doesn't help when you're using the wrong block to fill in one of the holes !!!
16 years ago
Now that was SNEAKY!! After a few tries, I kinda figured that I had to try something radical.
16 years ago
Quite a crafty solution. I found at least 3 or 4 quite different routes that were 2 moves short. Neat level.