LOL, while it was 190, I couldn't get it. Now, when it got 188, I solved it. :)) Great level, whoever's. ************************* EDIT 2 (five days later): Now with 186 it's even better. After finding THIS solution, can't understand why I didn't notice that before. :))
I haven't solved it (yet), but I think the level design here is really good. I can see two ducks, flying. i really like it! :) Stars come, when (if) I solve. ****************************** EDIT (three days later) Finallyyyyy, I got it! (preferred my 85 path, though. :)) ) But, anyways: great level!
There's a couple ways to take the completely wrong approach here. Strangely janky setup but not a bad level overall.
Simmilar to Tilu: it took me four tries. Good level. Interesting shapes. :)
I find it a very good level to bring some more difficulty. Personally, it wasn't intuitive to me and I needed 5 tries until I "saw" how to do it.
Great ducking, indeed. 63 tries, here, for me. But now I finally got it.Was a victim of a blundered idea, that i just wouldn't give up. Today I finally changed tactics and soon got two off in a few ways and right after that solved it. :)
The blocks needed for the holes are obvious and the fact they are directional removes big part of the challenge, especially when we realize how much moves it consumes just to go to pick them down there...