Bit of a chaotic level but I enjoyed it. Found an optimal 2-off before eventually landing on the 83.
After getting the other one, I got this one first try! So happy to finally cleared this to myself. :)) Very good puzzle! That seems soooo simple, but only AFTER one finds the solution. And this is exactly what makes a great puzzle, imo.
OH, my! Here I was close to redescovering warm water, as we say. :))) GREAT puzzle! And not very smart me, for that matter. :)))
Can't believe I didn't notice that earlier...
I haven't tried Duck the World before this. After solving this I went back to Duck the World and noticed this was same approach as Manti's solution.
I was expecting... more than that. Also, the random line of solid blocks on the right and bottom of the level bother me more than they probably should.
Oooh. I get it now.