(13 years ago) Sweet ! Took me 9 tries to solve it. *************************** EDIT 2022, 22nd Oct. I see I forgot to give it stars, back then. Enjoyed it again, today, and 10 times. :))
Same as Hi19, 3 tries here as well. I guess I have chosen the correct blocks to use quite early.
Incredibly fun level! I seriously think people should give this one a couple of minutes of attention. 5 tries.
Still think it is quite difficult up to this date.
This one seemed easy, but was not, heheheh. Had quite some trouble, finding the shortest path to 112, among some nasty blocks, that stood in the way. :)
Found a different path that seems optimal at 114. Tricky level.
Finally fixed my 2-off on this! What an unintuitive 2-step saver. Definitely one of the best levels I've played at this stepcount.
Solved by the power of screenshot and image zoom
Not ideal on mobile. Especially with no indication if you’ve won