(26-3-2023) 90 off. Another level that I think I won't be able to complete. Just hope this one can get the Super Grandmaster status it deserved. ----- (2-4-2023) Seeing this level on April's Fool, wanted to try this one again. Stuck on 517 for quite a while, then found a new way to do one section! This level has too much to explore. Although I am not sure if this is optimal or not, I am already too happy to beat a yfkd record. (Note: I tried this level in level editor painted, so my time used is an underestimate.)
I first tried this some months ago, but was too scared to think clearly. At first I couldn't even see what has to be done, but started going, anyways. Just exploring, what it was about. When I took a better look, it became very clear, what goes where. But not so clear as to how to do it. When I first touched the exit, it was well over 900 steps. LOL. Then I just left it, didn't feel good enough to keep trying. Yesterday I noticed yokosooo's comment and opened it again. I came to 100+ stepcount, a few times, but kept going. Today I got it to 585, which already feels better, although still very far away from optimal. I find it a very interesting level that has much to offer. Will keep trying and hope to some day get it to 515 (and also I hope that it won't get even lower, in the meanwhile :) ). Giving 5 stars, already. Wondering what rating it will get (it's pending 4, atm). I agree with yokosooo's predictions, about SGM difficulty. I see it has only one clear, atm, and it's yfkd's. EDIT 1: about half an hour later I got it to 575. Need to cut 60 more. Probably missing a major cut, somewhere, too. I had one but it made things even longer. LOL *********** EDIT2 - Found a few more minor cuts and am now at 561. Hope to find more, soon.
It didn't take too long. What a great puzzle!
This path is extremely cool.
Bruh. I feel there should be a special award for this level. Tried the screenshot option on my mobile and that didnt work. Barely managed it on my desktop. Had I been 5 yrs older, I would have been SOL.
finally played on desktop and zoomed in
Very neat. Quite a few incorrect setups!
I like this little level. Got it on 2nd try. To study a bit the board before to start helped me identifying the right blocks and I needed 2 tries to optimize. Enjoyable. :)