Demoted from professor to PhD. The centre was a lot of fun to solve. It was tricky at first, but then it became intuitive. Since my previous solved level got demoted, this would've been my new 100th professor if I didn't also demote this one.
Sneaky tricks. It didn't take me long!.. Is what I would say if this level didn't take so many inputs. I wonder if a more compact version of this is possible. Edit: This is my 100th professor at the time of this review (since ratings can change)
a year ago
No reviews? I like this puzzle, it has so many little tricks in it.
Beat it fairly fast; demoted from professor to PhD. The solution still surprised me, it was quite different from my first idea. I also love the aesthetic.
This looks pretty challenging, but somehow, I demoted this terror from professor to PhD. I guess it didn't take me as long as I was expecting it to?
Really good cuts! Despite its daunting size, this is one of the best PP1 levels I have completed in a while. The beginning was a lot to process, but overcoming that hurdle, there was a decent selection of well hidden options.
Successfully injected..?.. Either way, I managed to beat it. Knowing similar levels, I thought this one would take longer to beat, but it wasn't that hard actually.
Did it really fast, only a bit more than a couple tries. As a result, I demoted it from professor to PhD. This puzzle is good, though I'm surprised to see it so high up.
a year ago
One session of tricky movement and I have this great puzzle down to its current 194.
a year ago
Around 5 tries. Demoted it from professor to PhD. A fairly easy ordering puzzle with at least one false path. Aesthetically, I prefer walls over unmovable blocks.