a year ago
(12 years ago) Very good level ! 8 tries. :) *********************** EDIT 2023, 24th Jan. - bringing 5 stars, after 12 years. :)
a year ago
Interesting oldschool level style with good false path options. One section has a few minor variations that all work, but it's all small enough to not be a problem. Overall, really fun to work through!
Not easy to see.
a year ago
many small tricks
Looks cool, but I'm surprised that's not kindergarten. I think nearly everything is forced.
a year ago
rainbow 2
I normally don't like games with long runs, boring usually, but there was some working out to get the right route, so not bad.
a year ago
(12 years ago) Amazing ! Such a tricky level, indeed. Got very interesting ''psychologic trap''. 64 tries. :) ****************************** EDIT 2023. 5th Jan. - I still find this one one of the most tricky levels, ever. :)) Was looking for the 2 off for months, on and off! Today the light shone through and I had the EUREKA moment. :)) Happy to have beaten it, again.
a year ago
rainbow 2
a year ago
Lots of places to lose steps, and lots of cool tricks along the way. I didn't have too much trouble with the general route, but for me there were 2 main areas where you could easily lose 2 steps.