a year ago
(13 years ago) I got lucky in my 1st try. :) ***************************************** EDIT 2022, 22nd Oct., - again, no idea, how I years ago just saw it, immediatelly. Today, it took me 4 tries. In the 3rd I was two short. :)) Great level! Unique locks, and nice variety of them. Enjoyable.
(13 years ago) Cute ! I got this one 1st try, too. :) ************* EDIT 2022, 22nd Oct., - no idea, how I saw this 1st try, years ago. Today, it took me much more: 8 tries. And was doing all sorts of blunders, while searching for 90. :) Great level, well hidden path.
Got stuck during 18 attempts, however I already tried that before. Why did it work now?
a year ago
It has a lot of interesting tricks. 2 tries.
Appearances can be deceiving. Feel free to play this if you want to have a lot of fun. Only 2 tries (considering I'm far from being the best player).
10 tries. How does that save 2 steps?
a year ago
Ahh great trick
a year ago
I don't agree on hi19hi19 comment. I had one route winning after several tries. Why this one? I don't know. I couldn't identify anything specific that I did different from my previous tries. So, if there is a "trick" to be learnt, I failed to see it.
a year ago
rainbow 2
a year ago
rainbow 2
Nothing to think about, just follow the road :D