a year ago
Good level, I thought I had already tried the correct route but obviously not. Spent ages on wrong routes.
(10 years ago) Cute! :) And very much how my brain works; I guess that's why I got it first try. **************** EDIT 2023, 21st Jan. - bringing stars to this thing, now. :) Took me two tries, today. My brain changed working, in the last 10 years? ;) :)))
5 stars because I was able to identify the 2 off trick, what is rare in my case. Such a good feeling to understand... LOL
a year ago
Locked Out
hum... On first try. The route seems forced to me. Since all the blocks are unidirectional, a visual study shows automatically the ordering. Enjoyable to solve.
Really good intermediateish level.
(10 years ago) After solving not very sure as to ''why'', but it took me 20 tries to get to the exit. Seems very simple now. :) ************************************ EDIT 2022, 29th Dec - agree with yokosooo: really easy to lose 2 steps, here (in many ways) !
Took a few tries, I guess it is easy to lose the 2 steps if not careful enough.
I like the puzzle, but for me it's no junior high? I mean, there is no doubt about the correct exit and the route is self-explaining apart from adjusting the way to move blocks at start?