The sides could be balanced more, but it's not a bad puzzle regardless.
Not difficult to see which road to try, but I appreciate your idea much :) "I doubted if I should ever come back."
The box at the beginning is annoying to optimize. This isn't a final record. *Edit* done for now. I don't really see any more major cuts in this. *2022 edit* I cannot believe this level still has cuts in it. I thought it was close to optimal at 1288 years ago and alazeh and YFKD cut 2 off each from there. Never imagined I'd find another 4 trying to catch up to the 1284.....
While I agree it's easier than it looks, it's a fantastic concept for a level, pretty cool visually, and fun to unravel. Good stuff.
a year ago
Right Angle
Tricky level but I was able to get it relatively quickly - 5 major attempts in one session to get 1284. The middle of the level felt quite logical, so the hardest part was deciding how to start and how to pipeline the box of blocks. Took a bit of experimenting but the solution made sense to me.
Unbalanced in design but the solution is still pretty nifty.
a year ago
2 tries for me too, for very same reason than others... I failed to spot the 2 cut :D
a year ago
A fun little fan. A couple spots where this level could be improved, imo, but many classic tricks here.
a year ago
For someone experienced with locks, if watching ahead, the route is quite self-explaining: therefore a good level to teach thinking before to push.