I think this is a very interesting set up. I had troubles to even come ''close''. Then I kept discovering 111s, a whole bunch of those. :)) Found a 109, later, which is very nice. Will keep looking for 107, in hopes to get it. EDIT: Eureka moment came only an hour later. It's a great puzzle!
There are so many variations leading to 109. Finding how to get it down to 107 is difficult.
Nice tricks to get it down to 107
Ok the last 2 has some real zest to it. Me likey
Ah cool 107. Hope it stands!
a year ago
I feel dumb lmao
a year ago
get 3 tho
a year ago
a year ago
Went straight to 55 as I guessed the trick correctly but I can see this being sneaky. Nice!
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