Got stuck at 154 for a while before I remembered a core pipelining technique... The design is very pretty but could easily be condensed by a lot for mobile. The puzzle is great regardless.
2 years ago
This got me kind of confused. I managed only in 5th try. Enjoyable search for 138. :)
2 years ago
I really don't like this kind of levels
While it's quite cramped, the number of potential paths is larger than I expected and I found a few 2-offs before reaching 109. A nice level of this style!
Are you sure it was on purpose? 😈
2 years ago
Wonderful little level where my initial approaches looked nothing like the final solution. Very beautiful too.
Great level!
The first second and fourth sections aren't that hard if you have some pipelining skill. It's the third and especially the last sections that will get you.Seems like i missed a spot. It's funny i remember having that on my original nonoptimized one.
14 years ago
Now when I remember how to save 2 in the 3rd and 5th sections I can beat it. I'm 4 off. And manti, you are once again the king of psychopath. Edit: You're going to hit yourself for letting the record slip through your hands.