Pretty fun - a little tricky to figure out, but very logical.
Sweet 40, by Allpollo. :)
I got the 42 path first. LOL Then 43, and only then did I see what Carl had done to this level. Very nice path, this 41.
I had a lot of trouble in finding the 41, it's a good exercise in analyzing larger structures
A very cool 41, bravo Carl. The one-off is interesting, but it would have been absolutely devastating if the exit polarity was correct.
Very fun.
Pretty cool, there's a lot to think about but it's not overwhelming
Very enjoyable path for 66. My respect for continuing to wind all of these up to 2500 before publishing - the commitment to the bit is admirable!
Nice level, IMO. It's pending 2, atm. I wonder what difficulty it will get. I ''expect'' bachelors, most probably.