For some reason this took me forever to even see how to get to the end. Fortunately once I understood that, the solution came immediately. Nice art level, and surprisingly fun to figure out.
Very nice solution. Had a route that was 8-off, but felt pretty clear it couldn’t be improved enough. Tried something else that was more promising and found several 6-offs, then found the right order of doing things to get to the solution. Surprisingly tricky!
Modulo a few places to lose moves, this level is more or less as difficult to solve as it is to touch the end. Really great fun to unwind piece by piece, though!
Finally managed to get those last 2 moves. This is really a surprisingly tricky 183. Neat level.
Really neat puzzle. Lots of options, but the final solution makes so much sense. First try was super far off, but the process of bringing it down was enjoyable and surprisingly quick.
Incredible level. Hard enough to even touch the end, but then the extra 8 off the original record, **********************************************************? Absolute insanity. Equal brilliance from both Panacea and Manti here.
Some fun block manipulation. The solution came pretty quickly, but the movement to get there was satisfying.
I’m not entirely sure what I think about this level. After analyzing for a moment I tried something, and immediately succeeded. I’m not sure what in the level was supposed to draw my attention to trying something else. Nothing else really felt reasonable.
Agree with Neon - I was trying way more fancy manipulation than I ended up needing. Once I saw the simple way through the start, the rest of the puzzle was pretty immediate.
For a while I couldn’t even figured out how to touch the end of this. I think I was just not thinking in the right direction at the time, because it came pretty quick today. This is a nice puzzle. No optimizing necessary, but getting to the end is a fun challenge itself.
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