I outsmarted myself and caused my first solve to be way off. Noticed what I missed on the second attempt, fortunately. I don’t really like this level. There’s maybe 2 interesting pieces to it, and everything else is busywork.
Managed to not pay attention in the only relevant part of the level, and dropped 2 on my first attempt. The most unfortunate part of that was having to do the rest of the level again.
Actually a pretty crafty 73, I was not expecting that at first. Should’ve inspected and considered my options better.
Not too hard to miss optimal, there’s a pretty easy spot to lose moves. Of course that being said, I’m never satisfied with a less-than-optimal solution.
One part of the level tripped me up on my first attempt, but didn’t take too long to solve. Everything else was very straightforward, there’s not a whole lot of room to try different things.
More than one solution here. Could’ve been a little bit tighter, not that great.
It doesn’t look quite as much like Vanuatu as I would hope, and I also wish there was a little bit more to the level. But it’s alright.
Actually a pretty subtle 2-cut here. Very nice path found here.
Pretty immediate to figure out, for me at least. You probably have to be careful not to lose steps, but otherwise there’s not much here.
Actually took me quite a while to figure out. It’s a very nice level artistically, but not so much to play.
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