Nice solution. Not sure why it took me so long to see, but this is a very good level.
Great level. I'm not sure where the 4-off is that others are mentioning, but I went from 18-off to 10-off, and then straight to the solution. The last 10-cut was through a pretty subtle but very nice idea. Probably one of the most enjoyable spinners I've played, great fun!
Good level. The solution feels like it flows really nicely, and is great fun to execute.
Very cool level. Not very tough if you've seen logic like this before, but definitely a bit tricky to find.
Astounding level, this might just be my all time favorite in Pathology. The setup needed to touch the end is incredible, and feels like a true Panacea classic. The optimization is a little bit brutal, but feels great to work through nonetheless. Some of this is perhaps bias from me helping playtest a proto-version of this level, but this is really a masterclass in design. Excellent.
Brilliant level. Precisely designed; ******************************************************************************************************************************** Very well made and very fun to solve.
a month ago
Edit, a year later: this absolutely destroyed me in a multiplayer match (as these letter levels often do). I kinda get how the solution saves moves, but I feel I'm still far from understanding it. Great level.
Edit, a year later: formerly 4 stars. I probably stand by that now? Either way, cute level. I came across this during a multiplayer match, and it required me to backtrack just enough that I didn't finish within time. The solution feels pretty telegraphed after you try for a bit, but still enjoyable to work out.
Very cute level. Love the cloudy ring thematically. I tried one path at the beginning that optimized to 6-off, but other than that didn't really find any convincingly close paths to the correct one. Still, very fun to solve and some cute 2-offs. :)
Found the solution here shockingly quickly - it felt very intuitive, but at the same time I understand how this could cause some difficulties. Very nice level.
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