Neat, but doesn’t feel too special. Some of the same techniques for saving moves as a lot of other PP1 levels. Perhaps since this one was an earlier one I can’t be too harsh, but it doesn’t feel like it has anything novel.
Cute level, this is a pretty nice idea. I like it. :)
That’s a truly incredible solution. I can see why that might be faster, but the fact that it is is still ridiculous. Awesome level, took me a while to see.
Pretty cool level. I found a huge number of 10-offs at first, then eventually found a 4-off which led to the solution. Not a bad one to solve.
Very nice trick. I pretty quickly identified what needed to be done, but it took me a few attempts to actually put it into practice the right way. It’s amazing how many moves it saves over a naive solution, though.
Wow, you win as far as I’m concerned. This was pretty awful. Honestly not too bad to solve though. Once you see the right exit it’s pretty clear that it’s correct.
Neat idea for a level, and I managed to avoid getting consumed without too much issue. :)
Very cool level. For my first few attempts I wasn’t seeing anything closer than 20-off, but once I saw an alternate idea and what the level allowed you to do, the solve came pretty quickly. Really nice path here, good level.
Neat level. Didn’t feel like anything particularly groundbreaking, but it was fun to work out and the theming is quite well-done. Didn’t find the need for any optimization - my first touch was the solution.
Very interesting solution. The level is very very bloated and most of it is irrelevant, but the left side is actually not a bad puzzle.
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