I recognize those characters…
Very pretty 85. Between that and the 91 I somehow found an intermediate 87 with a slightly different path that stumped me for a bit, but fortunately it was close to the right idea.
Feels very similar to an annealer level, with the way it ***************************************************************************** Very well-made!
Another shockingly quick Bachelors solve…the way to touch the end wasn’t obvious to me at first, but once I figured it out, the route was correct. Nice puzzle.
Wow, this one took me shockingly long to finally see. From 168 I had to slowly cut off 2, 4, 6 moves here and there, until I finally saw the last 6 cut. Nice artistic level.
I normally consider myself to be quite bad at hole-filling levels, but shockingly enough I got this on my first try. Felt very very logical.
Very cool solution - a surprisingly quick solve for me, I’m glad the logic felt so intuitive. Neat puzzle indeed.
Very nice level, and a cute little 2-off. I probably wasn’t quite as fast as Tilu but I more or less agree with their evaluation.
Interesting level. Was stuck at 94 for a while not seeing a different path, then when I finally spotted the 90, the 88 was almost immediate afterward.
Just touching the end genuinely stumped me for a while. Nice level.
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