Brilliant solution, love the way this one panned out. Once you see the 79, the final 2-cut is quite intuitive as well. Really awesome.
Great level. Definitely logical that ********************************************************************************************************************************************************* Figuring out how to do that is another challenge, but definitely very doable. Super fun solve.
Nice level. The 2-cut is very cute but makes a lot of sense once you spot it. :)
Same as Neon. Fun level, but if you’re careful along the way, it’s really not too bad.
Edit, a year later: cool level. Formerly 4.5 stars. This one is pretty basic, but teaches some nice ideas around making room for blocks.
Cool level. I found that ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** The solution is quite wonderful though, and the level has a very nice design!
Very neat. Had a much harder time with the right side than the left, but both were fun puzzles.
Neat level. It has a nice idea, executed well, though **************************************************************************************************************************** But, I still found this fun to solve.
Actually a really interesting solution. Took me quite a while to solve, and I ended up finding several 2-offs on the way. Great level.
There’s some surprising nuance to the solution here. The level is a little bit tedious, but it was actually pretty interesting to solve. Generally agree with Neon tho.
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