Great level. Started off pretty far off with two 59s, but then was able to iterate on one of them through a 55, 53, 51, and finally the 49. Really cool ideas in the solution. :)
Really cute, the trick is very clever here. :)
Actually not easy to see the solution here - lots of 59s, but only one really nice 57. Great find by Linus, and pretty cool level to allow it.
Great level - the solution is both satisfying and intuitive. Very smooth and well-constructed. :)
Fantastic level. Like many pipelining levels (for me at least), there’s a moment where you see an idea, and it just clicks that that must be right - and then it is. I wish I could see things like that faster, but I’m happy I can see them at all. :)
Very nice solution, involves a few good principles. Took me a bit to see but *******************************************************************************
Neat solution - some pretty intricate logic, with a couple 2-offs to find. Agree with Neon about the construction, but the level at least solves nicely.
Lovely solution, makes a lot of sense. Level is very simple but quite nice indeed.
Definitely not Fibo-like (Fibo-lite, perhaps), but actually requires some really nice techniques for figuring out how to store the blocks as quickly as possible. I started off 38-off, then move down to 30, then 14, and finally to the solution - no 2-off needed! Very nice solution from Zach.
Very nice solution and excellent construction. There's a lot of options here, which makes parsing through the level and finding the right one quite difficult. Quite enjoyable to work out.
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