Very fun shove, some nice little efficiencies that aren't too bad to spot.
Awesome path, very instructive.
Very nice little 2-off. :)
Fun level. The two 2-offs are great, and the little 2-cut is very enjoyable.
Kinda cute level. The solution is pretty fun, if a little laborious.
Very nice idea. I wish that the alternate possibilities were closer to the optimal solution though, because it was somewhat obvious after a few tries that some trick was involved.
Very cute level. Not sure if it was a guess or intuition, but the path I decided on from the start turned out to be the optimal one.
Cool level. At first I thought that one direction wouldn’t lead to a feasible solution, and tried to optimize a different path. But as it turns out, the level had fooled me, and the seemingly infeasible direction was actually optimal.
Pretty neat level. Nothing exceptionally special, but a nice solution that’s rather tricky to find.
Very neat level. These ones really mess with me, so it took me quite a while to see the right solution. Very enjoyable solution though!
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