Very fun solution. It’s very enjoyable to ******************************************************************************* A very satisfying solve, great level.
Really nice level - I felt like the block manipulation was really intuitive here, and the path flows quite nicely!
Cute - the order in which things need to be done is apparent if you inspect carefully at the beginning, but I didn’t inspect carefully enough, so I had to take a second try. Pretty decent level.
Nice level - I found the solution was pretty immediately intuitive, and fortunately didn’t have to struggle for very long. Fun to work through.
Really weird solution…it’s cool, for sure, but weird. I actually kinda liked my 84 better, I’m a little sad that this is optimal. But still a really good level, there’s a lot of options for so few blocks, and lots of choices for manipulation and storage. Edit: taking another look a few days later with a fresh perspective, the correct solution is actually really really cool. Deserves more respect than I initially gave it. :)
This level is unbelievably cursed. It took me almost an hour to solve, and for the longest time I wasn’t seeing anything close to the right solution. So so glad to have finally worked it out, and the solution was pretty enough that it was *almost* worth the struggle.
2 months ago
Really great solution - I love the way the block manipulation feels so logical once you see it, and the level is beautifully simplistic as well. Awesome.
Very interesting level - lots of small variations on one path. This is one of those ones where I didn’t quite understand why the path I found is actually faster than the 2-off. I’ll have to analyze a bit more, but I’m glad it’s done!
Nice level - I love the way it’s composed just of tacos. I enjoy the solve path, and the 2-cut is quite nice as well.
Impressive level. I think I’ve found more 2-offs on this level than literally any other (including Top Hat), there’s a truly *astounding* number of them, all similar but slightly different. Interestingly the correct solution was a variant of the very first solution I tried, I just didn’t poke at it far enough. Very nice level.
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