Of the ranked Bachelors I have left, this one fortunately did not take too long to resolve. Very cute level, and a nice solve! Seemingly a couple of variations at the end, but still nice.
Really awesome solution. I love how ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Great work.
Edit, a year later: still an excellent level and a really cool trick. I’m really glad I remembered at least part of the idea behind the trick, since otherwise it would’ve taken me significantly longer to rediscover my solution.
Very well-crafted - I think I fell for 3 2-offs before finding the solution. :)
Kind of messy design-wise, but a very neat solution and a fun 2-off.
I’m not even sure how the solution I found is faster…I just ******************************************************** but that doesn’t feel like it should’ve worked. Oh well, I’ll take it. Fun level!
Very interesting shove-like level. Pretty hard to reach the end, but fortunately I found no optimization needed once I did. After seeing ***********************************************************************************************************************
Really cool solution. I found a few 2-offs, but I love how the solution ************************************************************************************ Really great construction and an awesome level.
Nice level. Actually takes a second at first to understand how to reach the end, and then from there’s it’s just a matter of being careful not to lose moves. Nothing too advanced needed.
Edit, a year later: 4 stars before - pretty cute level. I like the art, but the path isn’t particularly great. Fun enough, though.
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