Wish the other potential path was a little more close - a little bit into it and it becomes apparent that it won’t work. Level feels a little messy on the whole, too.
For some reason this level took me about 10x longer than everybody else. No idea why I struggled so hard to get it, but I finally did. I think I was just overlooking the final part of the solution. Not a bad level, but some areas a little underutilized IMO.
For a while the 77 looked impossible, but it was the fact that it seemed impossible that helped me find the answer. I like the solution here, but it’s clearly unintended. If this was the intended solution it would’ve been nice for the false ones to feel a little more possible, and add more of a challenge.
This is an interesting level. At first I didn’t entirely understand the logic behind it, and I just solved it by trying different things, until one worked. But after seeing the solution, I can understand why it works as compared to the 4-off and 6-off I found. Very neat.
I quite like this, there’s some nice optimization to be had. Nothing too crazy, but takes a little bit of though. Agree with Reach that some space feels wasted, but on the whole it’s a nice level.
Not a bad level. The 2- and 4-cuts in one section were a little tricky for me to figure out, but I like the puzzle solving in this one.
Nice level. Tough to puzzle out and reach the exit, but once you do there’s very little optimization needed to finish it off. Really fun tho.
Very cool level. Had to think pretty hard about how to get through certain sections without trapping myself. Fun to solve.
There are some cute tricks to see here, and a couple places to get caught in 2-offs or 4-offs, but it's nothing too too special.
Mixed feelings here. There's maybe one or two parts where you can lose moves, but for the most part everything is pretty obvious, and just long.
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