This one feels a bit forced. It's a little cute but it feels like it's largely constructed just to make you spend more time, and there's few places that could actually be optimized, or add to difficulty in solving.
I really like the idea here. It is very forced, and a little long, but quite fun to execute and think about. I could definitely see a much harder level in this style being created.
This one felt very simple. I wish there was a little bit more interesting stuff going on, but it felt incredibly straightforward to me, and sorta bland as a result.
It's OK. Very simple, nothing to write home about. I don't feel like all the wasted space is worth that much here.
Cute image - wish there was a neat false path around the other side, the final path isn't too interesting. But it's a cute level nonetheless.
Very interesting. Found a lot of different routes on my first go that were 2-off or 4-off, and came back to it today and managed to get it. It's interesting, it feels like all the attempts one might make at an "aggressive" cut end up losing steps, whereas the much more mild cut actually leads to the solution. Cool level.
Pretty nice level. Struggled with it for a while, stuck about 10 off. Came back today and couldn't even find my original solution, but found a 68 that was a simple mistake away from the real solution. Nice logic though.
Wow, that solution is totally nuts. Really really awesome that that could come out of this level. Nicely done to both setter and solver.
Really cool level. Saw something close to the right idea after my first few attempts, and managed to spot exactly the right idea just a little bit later. I like how well-constructed it is to include some nice 2-offs. Very good.
Agree with Neo. It's OK, but I feel like you could've done a lot more with this setup.
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