I played this about a year ago and ended up 6 off. I came back to it now and finished it in one go. Clearly I've gotten a little bit better in the meantime. Nice level though, classic Neonesque with fun block manipulation. :)
I came back to this to leave a review after solving a few days ago. Upon inspecting my solution I felt it didn't make much sense, that there was a lot of movement that looks like it should lose moves. After looking at it a bit more closely, though, many of the movements make a lot of sense - as with many pipelining levels, the solution is not easy to find, but makes so much sense once you actually see it.
Some good optimization in this one - I found a route that was 2-off, and gave up for the day. Coming back to it today and inspecting my route a little closer, I found a spot that might save moves, and successfully saved them. Fun to work through.
Cool level, there's always so many possibilities when tacos are involved. For some reason it took me quite a while to see Reach's solution. I was stuck 10+ off for a while, but eventually found the right idea, and the optimizations shortly afterward.
I only found the one solution, but it’s pretty nice. There’s lots of similar ideas that get quite close.
Had fun figuring this one out. After an initial try the solution came pretty intuitively, and makes a lot of sense. I’m always a little partial to levels with nice symmetry, so I find this one pretty nice.
Encountered a pretty tough 2-off on my way to the solution. Nice level though - my first attempt at what seemed “obvious” ended up over 40 off, after which I took a closer look and was able to see the right idea.
I really don’t like most levels like this. It didn’t take very long to figure out which exit was achievable and how to do it, but I didn’t particularly enjoy it.
Very cool level - incredibly tight and well-constructed, took me quite a long time to even see how to touch the end. There’s a few nice places to lose and save moves in here too. Great level.
Surprising 2-cut at the end. I thought ******************************************************************************************************************* Very fun to solve though, had fun both getting to the end and optimizing.
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