I found the optional pathways a little too obviously wrong. This idea is probably better on a larger scale.
10 months ago
10 months ago
It's more about flavor than difficulty
Eyes Closed 2.0
10 months ago
Interesting 2 step cut. Doesn't seem like it would save moves but it does.
10 months ago
I actually had more trouble finding the exit to begin with than finding both 2 off paths. The funny thing is, I would have finished this level so much faster if I caught myself making a kindergarten level mistake wayyy sooner. Pretty fun level.
10 months ago
Pipe Organ
I found this level very difficult in so many ways. There are quite a few 6/4 offs you don't know which one you should be focusing on because it's probably not the right path, or maybe it is, just not optimized? I found a 4 off that I was pretty excited about at the very start but after tinkering with many other routes and failing miserably, I completely forgot what I did originally and couldn't get that same route anymore. After a while I miraculously stumbled into a 2 off path and, thankfully, quickly saw where I could make the almighty 2 step cut, which btw was pretty evil IMO, one of those gas lighting shortcuts haha.
10 months ago
One of the few levels that I encountered so far that has such a big step count off from the exit while still seeming like its the best route. Also, great 2 step cut that was in my blind spot that I ignored because it seemed longer to do but I guess you never know until you try.
10 months ago
What the heck, went from 196 to beating it by just trying a completely different path variation out of desperation because nothing else was working on getting less than 196. Strangely enough however, as I was doing the path, everything seemed to make sense and was just fitting together nicely like perfect puzzle pieces out of seemingly random chaotic blocks everywhere. That satisfaction alone was worth the struggle this level has given me.
The most frustrating thing for me was trying something VERY similar to the correct path and thinking this isn't right at all and then focusing on an entirely different path instead, which I thought was more likely to be the correct way. I should have just continued on building out the weird (correct) path and I would have solved this sooner! Hint for anyone who comes across this crazy level and is stuck: Don't knock it until you tried it.