10 months ago
Okay, I think I got this...
*Insert obligatory been stuck on this level for the longest time* joke. But seriously, it really has been the longest time. I was stuck for about a month and it defeated me, almost gave up. I took a break from Pathology for a couple of months and just couldn't let this level be the end of me. So I tried again just recently and solved it finally now. In hindsight, it's pretty obvious where the 2 moves can be saved, but I just couldn't for the life of me see how even after literal days of doing the same thing over and over again in every variation possible (except the one needed to save the moves...). Insane level.
Fun level. Found the path pretty quick but was much longer to find the 2 off. I guess the Crazy thing for me is how many absurd things I will try to save moves instead of just looking a little harder in a spot I thought couldn't get any better.
Tricky level. Spent too much time trying to see if I could save moves in all the wrong places when I should have been more certain that there were no other ways. But you just can never really be sure sometimes because of those couple times that you were certain and it wasn't the case xD
Tricky level indeed. 12 away for awhile, couldn't figure out if I was missing a big cut or my path wasn't in the right order. Finally figured out that I was missing a big cut... Embarrassingly, I was hung up on the simplest lock pattern (Level 30: Link To The Past coming back to haunt my newbie self) IYKYK :P
Wow fun level... 32 away to beating it. I think I got lucky seeing a lot of the tricks early as I was trying so many different things to try optimize the main path.
a year ago
Found Happiness to be way harder just because of the large amount of different ways to get 2 off. With this one, I found there to be less room for experimenting because everything was pretty straight forward and not really any other paths to take (except for the 2off cut).
Was stuck for days on this. I literally tried every weird and janky path after finding so many 2 offs in hopes I would stumble upon something and just ended up coming wayyy off on every one. But of course, the last one I can possibly think of happens to be the correct one.
a year ago
The Sky
Interestingly, I went from 10 off to beating it. I guess one of the perks of missing such a big shortcut (really nicely disguised, btw) is that you rerun the path so many times that you optimize it fully when looking for the big save that you just take care of the small 2 offs that would have gave you trouble later on.
What tripped me up the most was when I was on the incorrect path, both left or right ways resulted in the same 2off stepcount so I figured it didn't matter which way I went. well it does when you get on the right path. Such a subtle but complex trick to save 2 moves.