Super satisfying to solve and to look at. Beautiful level as always!
There was a cool 2-off, for me.
Puzzle part is not difficult, but I like picture levels.
Took me waaay too long, there are so many 102s.
For me, same than usual, sorry Alazeh: I get no fun at boards with over 200 moves, if more than half of the path consists of a copy/paste repeat of the same back and forth sequence (here, 2 x 4!). A version avoiding that by adding some "traps" breaking the "repeat the same" effect would make it more attractive to me.
Funny one! Side note: In French, we spell it "médaillon". It's funny for me to have the "i" located before the "o". LOL
Funny one :)
Wooow, I finally found Meowlong's 100 path. This was really tunnel vision, that I suffered, here. :))
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