I can hardly believe it... I saw that level and thought: oh no, that will be one more with an eternal 2 off.
I lacked the motivation to start it. I decided to give it a go with the classic and straight method, just to see how many moves too much I will have to work out... And... I won on first go...
I had such an enormous laughing! I can only give 5 stars.
No way for elementary. It's by far too difficult. Bachelor sounds about right.
It's really a great level, very interesting. I had big fun at solving it.
Because of VisD and Tilu's comments here, I guess an explanation is needed: I wrote elementary when I published. The level had 114 steps, by then, which is much easier to find.
After FlashBack found 98 steps path, the level became bachelors, which is OK, I guess.?