This is basically a 4 section puzzle where 2 of the sections are hilariously trivial and the other two are nightmarish offering a fiendish amount of cuts. Plenty difficult with some non intuitive cuts.
This level makes me slightly angry because there are so many places to screw up by not pushing a block one extra place. Fun though. *2022 Edit* this is actually a pretty fun level comparatively to the others in this world. There are a bunch of good step savers and the path ended up being fairly quality as well. Came together well for not having a real planned outcome.
If people want to get their feet wet in Round 3, I think this is the easiest one!
Level design leaves something to be desired (this is also one of my least favorite paradigms pushing one block through lines of blocks pointing in the opposite direction) but the final path here is neat and thereโ€™s a good 2 off. Also probably the hardest of the three
I take off one star, because this level scared me first time I saw it... ROFL
I still dont feel this is the start....
Unexpected solution, but makes a lot of sense now that I see it.
This path is really hard to find
Really difficult to spot the solution here. I was 2 off on both the bottom and the top parts for a while. Wish there wasn't as much wasted space though.
It's beautiful! Not that I have solved it, though. This is the only Universe where I have tried all levels, multiple times, but have sold NONE, up to now. Very difficult Universe and also very interesting, in my opinion. My problems here are not 2 offs, but MULTI OFFS. :D