a year ago
Since I was able to solve R2 on both sides, I now wonder if this one was also meant to be solved on both sides (I've so far solved it only on one side, in the set number of moves, which is currently 94, on the other side I can only do 96).
a year ago
I like the top left puzzle a lot. 5 stars for that. Rest isn't necessary in my opinion.
a year ago
Very nice one. I liked the other level, too. :)) So I saved it, might publish, later, with credits, of course.
a year ago
105 is possible on both sides
a year ago
Enjoyed it. Got 96 fast and could sense there was more to optimize.
a year ago
While I got 96 on both sides very quickly, and it also quickly became apparent which side had the trick, actually finding the optimization was very difficult. Fantastic level.
a year ago
Had 96 on both but that final 2 cut is amazing. Great level! Also I think both sides of this level would beat the current 4x6 step record on its own.
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