a year ago
Difficulty 1/5 I Presume, but still a good level
a year ago
a year ago
First Solve 1103 and fairly certain most of phase 3 could be improved dramatically. Probably the first level in pathology that has kept me from the exit for more then 2 full sit down sections. 1103-->1057-->1013-->1009-->995 -->987--> 983-->981-->973-->971!!!! I don't actually understand what I did to cut the last 2. I know the section I cut it in though! Was hoping to find another 2 but this feels really clean. Congrats on the record Meowlong, and thanks for an awesomely challenging level KJS!
If I ever reach the finish, I'll update this review, but I can already say that this level is beyond spectacular! I've spent a lot of time on it; enough to find a lot of fascinating ideas and run into a lot of fearsome barriers. I feel like I'm so close to having what I expect to be the second-to-last phase completed, but there's not quite enough space to maneuver, so probably something else I've done is wrong... Anyway, congratulations on this astonishing work of art! I hope to beat it so I can fully appreciate it. 23.01.10 Finally reached the finish! In 1291 steps, but optimizing it will have to wait for another day. You're a genius, and I'm in awe of this level. 23.01.11 Now 1135... 1049... 23.01.12 1025 23.01.13 1007
Very difficult. Only managed it in 1131 steps so far but I will try again tomorrow. Edit: Managed to get it today. Brilliant level.
(4 months ago) At the moment, can't reach the exit yet. Will come back later... --------- (2-1-2023) I finally have an idea on how to push the block into the hole. Absolutely fantastic level!
Got it quicker than I was expecting. Very good level. Super easy to trap yourself at almost any point if you make a wrong move.
This level is crazy
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