10 months ago
4x7 - 106
Isn't this longer if you change the burger?
11 months ago
4x5 - 54
Hi Zach :)
11 months ago
Pretty cool.
Sent this from a high Prof to a middling one. Still took me a good ~40 minutes to catch the sneakyness.
11 months ago
It's really a logical solution, though, I was blind to it at first and needed a break from. Today I came back with fresh mind, saw it (literally) and got it on first try... :D
This is an excellent puzzle. For so few blocks, a short path and a small level, the variety of different 2+offs are immense and worthy of being a GM... Ignore the fact that I seemingly demoted it to prof.
Needed 2 hrs to get this done. I probably should have seen it sooner but somehow it's really hard to find.
Let the hat flow through you.
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