Had a different experience from the others. For me it was a case of not knowing why one route won and not the ones before. Couldn't notice what I did different. So rather frustrating.
Really struggling with the last two here. Got it! Tough one EDIT: Whoa, what a big cut for a short level like this! Nicely done TealKnight and sspenst grinding it down to 90 and then 88.
Arf long didn't take too long.
I'll be sending you the bill for my carpal tunnel treatment shortly. On the plus side, my fingers are developing sentience.
ended up a surprisingly good Elementary level
Great looking, great description! :) The only thing not so great is that I can't clear it, but I won't reduce stars for that, lol. Currently at 204, dry of ideas. I hope to catch on, soon.
filtered for worst levels in the game. didn't disappoint
First solve was a little lazy i guess. This is much better.
The Pathology anime really went places I didn't expect this season. The two tacos hidden in the burger guards was a plot twist I wasn't expecting at all.
30 of 43